Sunday, January 26, 2020

Recommendations for Tuen Mun Landfill Expansion

Recommendations for Tuen Mun Landfill Expansion Man Sum Yi, Annie Urban Planning: Principles and Practices To: Principal Town Planner From: Assistant Town Planner (MAN Sum Yi Annie) Subject: Recommendation to Tuen Mun landfill expansion Landfill is being regarded as one of the locally unwanted land uses (â€Å"LULUs†) (Popper, 1981), and sitting of LULUs often causes heated debate among the society (Lai et al., 2007). According to the prediction made by the Legislative Council (2013), the West New Territories (â€Å"WENT†) landfill in Tuen Mun is expected to be exhausted in 2019. The accelerated exhaustion of landfill in Hong Kong catches our attention, and this planning problem requires immediate response from the government and urban planners. Even though major opposition is held by Tuen Mun residents, the necessity of WENT landfill expansion cannot be denied, in the view of surging waste loads and the other waste management strategies are not ready yet. In this memo, the crux of the landfill expansion problem will first be discussed, followed by recommended policy actions and justifications in gaining support to the plan. Crux of WENT landfill expansion problem Appropriate location of landfills remains as a big challenge to planners. The debate of landfill expansion is particularly significant in Hong Kong because of limited land and high population density (Woo, 2010). Moreover, the public does not trust the government in siting locally unwanted land uses (Lam Woo, 2009; Woo, 2010). There is a major dilemma between environmental justice and urgency in handling waste. Despite the fact that the government is working on other waste management strategies, such as the proposed waste charge, food waste recycling partnership scheme and the new incinerator (Environmental Protection Department, 2014), landfill extension is still necessary to handle the remaining 10,000 tonnes of waste which require disposal every day (Legislative Council, 2013). Fuelled by increasing population and rapid economic development, the amount of waste loads is expected to surge continuously. Tuen Mun residents are concerned about the unfavorable impacts disturbing their living environment, which includes odors, health impacts, public hygiene, and the declining local image. Furthermore, Tuen Mun residents challenged the government decision that environmental justice is infringed as Tuen Mun is currently home to many LULUs (Lam Woo, 2009). As discussed in the previous memo, public perception, alternative policies and sustainability of landfills are the three main reasons hampering public support towards the expansion plan. Therefore, in this memo, recommendations are made on the basis to gain public acceptance. Recommended policy actions An open and participatory approach is recommended; there are four recommended policy actions to increase public acceptance and gaining public trust. They include evaluating the expansion plan, minimizing disturbance to Tuen Mun residents, showing commitment and involving the public. First, planners can evaluate the whole expansion plan once again, in terms of distance from residents and the extended area. Planners can examine the possibility of reducing the expansion area. A smaller expansion area will be more acceptable to residents, as their social responsibility in handling waste will be smaller. 67.95% of interviewed Tuen Mun residents perceived the landfill expansion as a need for Hong Kong, while only 12.5% perceived it as a local need in a survey conducted (Lam Woo, 2009). The government can increase education and promotion, in order to allow the public to understand the urgency of the problem. Second, planners can propose ways to minimize nuisance brought to the residences in Tuen Mun. The design of garbage truck can be improved and the leakage problem of waste water should be strictly controlled. Planting greenbelts around the expanded landfill is another suggestion, which can act as a separation between the landfill and local residents. Planners can explore the other ways in transporting waste, for example using sea transport, so that disturbance during waste transportation can be reduced. Streets can be cleaned more frequently within Tuen Mun; hence pests and insects can be eliminated. Third, the government should show commitment to the public, demonstrate that they will shoulder the responsibility in waste management. The government can present a timeline in municipal waste reduction and set long term reduction goals. Tuen Mun residents expressed that the pollution problem arose from landfill extension was their top concern (Lam Woo, 2009). An air quality monitoring station can be set up in Tuen Mun, monitoring the amount of toxic gases and the general air quality. This can increase the confidence of Tuen Mun residents towards the landfill expansion and better protect health of residents. Last but not least, the government should be more sensitive to local concerns and engage public in the decision-making process. Rather than compensation strategies, greater public participation is more effective in persuading local residents (Lam Woo, 2009). Government can foster trust building by increasing transparency and lengthening time for the consultation period. The government should show respect to the views of different stakeholders. The government can adopt residents’ suggestions towards the expansion plan, and promote better communication with residents and the Tuen Mun District Council. Justifications to recommended actions Indeed, achieving environmental justice is always easier said than done. The concept of environmental justice refers to the equal share of burden of responsibility (Levy, 2011) in handling waste. During the process of decision making, fair treatment and meaningful involvement of the public is being considered as elements of environmental justice. Environmental injustice can be seen through the concentration of costs and risks of LULUs on a particular population (Been, 1993). Each district in Hong Kong has its own function, and functions of districts are determined by locational factors. Although some Tuen Mun residents call for the respect towards environmental justice, fair siting of LULUs among all districts is extremely difficult and impractical. Proper siting of landfill requires the consideration of environmental, technical and social factors, and the wind direction is especially important. In order to persuade residents to accept the expansion plan, the government should prove that Tuen Mun is a legitimate and reasonable choice, as well as minimizing impacts brought to residents. The ultimate goal of the WENT landfill expansion is to achieve comprehensive planning, in which health, safety and public welfare are taken into consideration. Comprehensive planning refers to the plan that can guide the development of the entire community in a long term (Levy, 2011). Evaluation of the extension plan and minimization of disturbance represent government’s consideration of the affected residents. The above suggested policy actions are able to establish trust between the public and the government, as the views of Tuen Mun residents are being considered and taken into account. An open and participatory approach in handling LULUs is crucial, as the public is being involved. Compensation measure is not recommended because economic loss is not one of the concerns of the affected residents (Lam Woo, 2009). Moreover, the effectiveness of monetary compensation has been questioned (Jenkins-Smith Kunreuther, 2005). Conclusion The urgency waste problem is less significant than other pollution problems since it does not directly affect daily lives of Hong Kong citizens. In addition to other waste management policies, the proposed WENT landfill expansion plan is the best way to handle municipal solid waste. The government and planners play the most important role in promoting this expansion plan. In response to the strong local opposition, four recommendations are made, which include evaluating the expansion plan, minimizing disturbance, showing commitment and involving the public. Environmental justice is in fact difficult to be achieved in reality, so planners should focus on ways to gain public acceptance while formulating policy actions. The above suggested ways are feasible because views of Tuen Mun residents are taken into account and they are involved in the decision-making process. All in all, the government should be committed to execute other reduction goals while promoting the expansion plan, and the persuasiveness of the plan will be increased. References: Books Levy, John M. (2011). Contemporary Urban Planning, ninth edition, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall. Jenkins-Smith, H.C. and Kunreuther, H. (2005). Mitigation and benefits measures as policy tools for siting potentially hazardous facilities: determinants of effectiveness and appropriateness. In: S.H. Lesbirel and D. Shaw, eds. Managing conflict in facility siting: an international comparison. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 63–84. Journal articles Been, V. (1993). Whats fairness got to do with it? Environmental justice and the siting of locally undesirable land uses.Cornell L. Rev.,78, 1001. Lam, K.C. Woo, L.Y. (2009). Public perception of locally unwanted facilities in Hong Kong: Implications for conflict resolution. Local Environment, 14(9), 851-869. Lai, P.W. et al. (2007). Siting and community response to locally unwanted land uses: a literature review. Hong Kong: Centre for Environmental Policy and Resource Management, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Popper, F.J. (1981). Sitting LULUs. Planning, Vol. 47, 4: pp.12-15. Woo, L. Y. (2010).Trust and public perception: Insights for facility siting in Hong Kong(Order No. 3483306). Available from ProQuest Dissertations Theses AI. (902185449). Retrieved from Website materials Environmental Protection Department (2014). Food Waste Recycling Partnership Scheme. Retrieved from Legislative Council (2013). Environmental Infrastructure Projects. The Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs. CB(1)1079/12-13(01) Retrieved from

Friday, January 17, 2020

Morality in Ethan Frome Essay

In The Morality of Inertia, Lionel Trilling argues that Ethan Frome’s inability to make his own ethical decisions ultimately makes his ‘smash-up’ a tragic event caused by the inactivity of morality. The nonexistence of this moral inertia is the explanation, for Trilling, for the outcome of Frome; the lack of moral responsibility in any of the main characters from the beginning of their lives paralyzes their decision making process– they simply exist and do what is their duty. Trilling’s aspect that Frome was a morally inadequate man is a valid fact affirmed by Edith Wharton’s provided background of him; the idea that he was unable to make choices and is only capable of enduring can be proven inaccurate with his Frome’s actions throughout the story. The notion that Ethan Frome is incapable of making ethical decisions based on his background can also be countered with his background and actions. Trilling uses Frome’s â€Å"duties as a husband† and son as support for his claim that â€Å"[c]hoice is incompatible with [Ethan’s existence]† (from Morality of Inertia). However, the reader is exposed to Ethan’s ability to recognize choices, and decisions not to act on them, throughout the story. Frome acknowledges his dilemma of running away with Mattie or staying with Zeena, but is inefficient in seeing past the initial consequences of each choice and exploring other possibilities of escape besides the basic. Ethan’s central decision in the book, to commit suicide with Mattie, is made with free will; although it is Mattie’s idea, Ethan agrees and takes the reins in the front of the sled. Although Ethan Frome is a broken man perpetually frozen in a bleak Starkfield, one cannot disregard his inaction when he is presented and acknowledges choices. He constantly contemplates expressing his love for Mattie, looking for â€Å"the all-expressive word,† but fails to, even when alone with her, making â€Å"free choice† a moot point (Ethan Frome; from Morality of Inertia). Morality is not caused by inertia in Ethan’s case but personal authorization– Ethan’s decision to commit suicide proves this point; the act proves that he was capable of confessing his love to Mattie, but failed to up to that moment. Although Frome can be held responsible for his moral inactivity, he can be considered a morally inadequate man in his present state. His inadequacy, however, was not a constant in life or a sudden occurrence– it snowballed from his youth and finally solidified through the ‘smash-up’. His earlier experiences in a university and the joy it brought him was quickly interrupted after a year by his sickly parents. The unfortunate circumstance forces Ethan Frome to move back to the depressing Starkfield he had just escaped. His parents’ illnesses bring along Zenobia, who would be another future, unseen oppression along with Starkfield. For years, Ethan lives in depressing conditions that decline as time goes on. The chance to finally leave them behind, however, comes in Mattie, Zenobia’s cousin and maid. Ethan’s inability to act on this chance of escape finally seals his fate when Mattie is paralyzed and he is critically injured. Although jinxed with unfortunate circumstances, Ethan Frome’s life could have been bettered if one small step or action was taken by him for himself with the intention to create personal joy or pleasure. The importance of taking steps in life betterment can be seen in Ethan Frome. Although one may lack a history of â€Å"making moral decisions,† the human instinct to do so is always there (from Morality of Inertia). Ethan Frome was able to rationalize and recognize choices inside of his head; it was his inability to act on any one until his attempted suicide that created his depressing circumstances. The irony of his only decision with Mattie being one of the most deciding ones in his life underscores the fact that if he had taken this initiative before this instance, his life might have taken a different track. This was not a forced or accidental occurrence; Ethan Frome was in fact an unfortunate individual in undesirable circumstances, but with a free will and mind developed enough to make

Thursday, January 9, 2020

How to Handle Dry Ice Safely

The solid form of carbon dioxide is called dry ice. Dry ice is the perfect ingredient for fog, smoking volcanoes, and other spooky effects! However, you need to know how to transport, store, and use dry ice safely before you get it. Here are tips to help keep you safe. How To Get and Transport Dry Ice You can obtain dry ice from some grocery stores or gas companies. Its important to be prepared to transport dry ice before you purchase it. This will help it last longer and prevent accidents. Plan to get enough dry ice. It will sublimate at the rate of  five to ten pounds each 24 hours (for pellets or chips), so if you wont be using the dry ice right away, plan for the loss of product. The rate of sublimation also depends on the exposed surface area. Dry ice pellets will convert to gas more quickly than a solid chunk of dry ice.  Bring a cooler or a cardboard box. Your goal is to insulate the dry ice from warmer temperatures. Its also helpful to have a blanket or sleeping bag to wrap around the container to protect it from temperature changes.Usually dry ice is sold in paper bags. Set the paper bag inside the box or cooler. Close the lid to insulate the dry ice, but make sure it does not seal. This is important, because dry ice sublimates from its solid form into carbon dioxide vapor. The gas builds up pressure and could cause an explosion if it doesnt have a way to escape.As sublimation occurs, the level of carbon dioxide in the vehicle will rise. Make sure new air c irculates into the vehicle to prevent carbon dioxide poisoning. Storing Dry Ice The best way to store dry ice is in a cooler. Again, make sure the cooler is not sealed. You can add insulation by double-bagging the dry ice in paper bags and wrapping the cooler in a blanket. Its best to avoid putting dry ice in a refrigerator or freezer because the cold temperature can cause your thermostat to switch the appliance off, carbon dioxide levels could build up inside the compartment, and gas pressure could force open the door of the appliance. Using Dry Ice Safely The 2 rules here are (1) dont store dry ice in a sealed container and (2) avoid direct skin contact. Dry ice is extremely cold (-109.3 °F or -78.5 °C), so touching it can cause immediate frostbite. Use gloves or tongs to handle dry ice.Be aware cold carbon dioxide sinks, so risks from too much carbon dioxide are highest close to the ground or in any enclosed space. Make sure there is good air circulation.If youre using dry ice in drinks to produce fog, be careful you dont ingest the dry ice fragment. Ingesting dry ice is a medical emergency because of the tissue damage from frost bite and the pressure buildup from the release of gas. Dry ice sinks in a glass or bowl, so the risk of ingestion normally is very low. However, do not allow intoxicated people to drink dry ice cocktails or work with dry ice. How To Treat a Dry Ice Burn Treat a dry ice burn the same way as you would treat frostbite or a burn from heat. A red area will heal quickly (day or two). You can apply burn ointment and a bandage, but only if the area needs to be covered (e.g., open blisters). In cases of severe frostbite, seek medical attention (this is extremely uncommon). More Dry Ice Safety Tips Never leave children or pets unattended around dry ice.Be aware of symptoms of carbon dioxide poisoning and make sure there is good air circulation where dry ice is used and stored. Ordinarily, slightly elevated levels of carbon dioxide dont pose a significant health risk. The levels of carbon dioxide are most likely to become too high near the ground.If youre using dry ice to chill food, youll get the best results if you put the dry ice on top of the food. This is because cold sinks.Avoid setting dry ice directly onto counter tops or placing it in empty glass containers. The temperature shock could crack the material.Some airlines will allow you to carry dry ice, but not more than 2 kilograms. Expect the dry ice to sublimate at a slightly faster rate than usual because cabin pressure may be lower than normal pressure. Pack the dry ice with crumpled paper or a blanket to reduce loss.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Overcoming Sleeping Disorder Personal Experience

I have always had problems sleeping due to trauma and have struggled for years to help myself control my insomnia and not let it control me. Sometimes it would come in handy and I could use it to my advantage but most of the time it just ruined me, my attitude, my focus, and my ability to cope. Naps were out of the question, I would literally have to stay awake until my body and mind gave out, something had to give eventually. No matter what I did, how much I exercised, what I ate, how much caffeine I didn’t drink, what medications I tried, it all never really helped me. I was so sick of always just putting a band aid on everything and it never ever solved the underlying problem. There were a few things I had started doing in order to†¦show more content†¦I have always used music to help me remember things, for school and such, and it was when I came to this realization that I thought, since I was trying to unearth the memories and put together the bits and pieces th at were coming out through my unconscious, I could play music while I slept to help me remember what I dreamt about when I was awake. Not only did this help me to remember but I also found that it helped me stay asleep because it broke up the sometimes night-long dreams into shortened spurts that were easier to keep track of. I could hear some of the songs while I slept, when the song changed, so did my dream. I would always hear the music just before I woke up and when I played them when awake; sure enough I could remember details from my dreams or at least how I felt. Once I woke up I would play the playlist I developed before I went to bed and write while I listened. I would write about whatever came to mind, free association, and when I faced the complete reality, it was the scariest thing I had ever encountered. I opened a door that could never be shut again and I began to remember exactly what happened in my past that was affecting my life now. I begin to rationalize about th e memories. I knew that when you’re a child you may not know exactly what happened but you always remember how it made you feel. It was something that tookShow MoreRelatedEssay On Parents Who Are Affected By Their Children Health1277 Words   |  6 Pagesstress, difficulties sleeping and not having a social life because of their child’s disability. These factors may help parents by addressing what other parents experience when raising a child with developmental disabilities. As well as help balance the stressful situation that are affecting their well-being (Sivberg, B., 2002). Stress can be the result of many things. 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