Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Renaissance vs. The Industrial Revolution Essay Example For Students

The Renaissance vs. The Industrial Revolution Essay Throughout history lifestyles have changed dramatically according to their time period. One example of this is the changes between the Renaissance period and Industrial Revolution. Each era had their own social classes: the higher class of the royalty and nobles, middle class of the merchants and bourgeoisie, and lower class of peasants and servants. As one would guess, life in the Industrial Revolution was very disparate from that of the Feudal Age. Some areas such as living and working, especially for those of the lower class, were extremely unalike. We will write a custom essay on The Renaissance vs. The Industrial Revolution specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now However, some aspects of life during the two time periods differed very little. How and where people worked had its effects on the people of both time periods. For peasants, during the feudal times, the only available Job was to work in the fields as field hands for their lords land or house. Ordinary lower class-men took on Jobs like carpentry, sewing, baking, weaving, baking, and farming. However, a days work was still long and exhausting, regardless of what occupation they chose. During the Industrial Revolution, agricultural Jobs like these were still common. Although these jobs were made easier because of technological evolution, people still worked in fields and in homes. However, more and more people began to move from the fields to cities as time progressed. More Job opportunities emerged as industry arose. Instead of working on the fields, they worked on assembly lines in crowded factories. The lower classed population worked as clothing maker, textile workers, and manufacturers in factories. These Jobs were employed by women and children as well as men. During the Feudal Age, women mostly worked in the landlords home as cooks, maids, or sitters. Children would have worked in fields and along side the women in the dark, damp iron and coal mines. Iron and coal mining positions intended into the Industrial times. Womens occupations had developed as well. They became governesses, seamstresses and factory workers. Only the poorest of women were hustlers. Poor and orphaned children were forced to work in the factories. During both periods, work was difficult to find and maintain. These small Jobs were abundant but not very rewarding for both time periods. The amount of Job opportunities was canceled out by the bitter working conditions most workers had to face. In the feudal times, field labor was extensive and tiring. Lords and landowners forced labor during the wartime to provide knights with enough food and rations. During the peak of harvest seasons, field hands also had to work extra days. They had to work at least two to three full days of labor a week. Fortunately, they were not forced to work on Sundays or other holidays. However, many peasants would work more often in order to pay the many taxes. Farmers still had to pay a tithe to church and tax collectors, as well as a tax on ground grain and baked bread. Peasants were bound to their lord for marital consent as well. Country workers in the industrial time also had to work long hours; from dawn until dusk. Although farming tools had improved from Feudal times, they still had to provide industrial cities with raw materials and food. City workers in the Industrial Age had Regardless of the long working hours, all lower class workers received the same low pay, farmers and city dwellers alike. As Job opportunities soared in the cities, farmers were driven from their land in the country in order to build industrial towns in their place. .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d , .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .postImageUrl , .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d , .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:hover , .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:visited , .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:active { border:0!important; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:active , .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub9f00dedcca1990ea17975b2268ef27d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Renaissance and Baroque ArtAnother element that was shared between both time periods was the dangers in jobs. Useful medicine or first aid did nod exist during the feudal times, so injuries caused from working often never healed. Dangers were also common in the industrial cities, especially in factories. Long working hours led to exhaustion and dehydration. Worn-out workers grew enervated and slow, making the workplace very dangerous. The machines in factories made working even more dangerous. Cuts, bruises, and even detached limbs were very real possibilities. Death rates increased greatly as the number of factories increased. Coal mines were another dangerous place of employment during both the feudal and industrial eras. Unfortunately, the innovations that increased productivity elsewhere during the industrial period had not reached the coal mines. Lack of air circulation caused respiratory problems for the working women and children. They carried coal in heavy baskets or in wagons. Both ways led to extreme exhaustion. Miners suffocated from the smoke of intense fire, or drowned when the tunnels flooded. Life in the mines was consisted of damp, dark solitude. Life was dingy in the mines. In both Industrial and Feudal times, work was very harsh, especially for children. Women and children were employed to work in the mines because they could go through small spaces. Children as young as six years old worked in mines and factories for as long as fourteen to sixteen hours a day. They were provided with a pile of straw as their bed that was located next to the machine that they worked. Children may have been employed because their youth made their wages lower than that of a grown man. Child labor was exhausting, unhealthy, and dangerous work. Orphaned child workers were treated more horribly. Their hours were much longer and were fed improperly. As for women, they often faced sexual harassment in the workplace. The people feudal and industrial times also shared their similarities and differences in not only their working conditions, but also their living conditions. The hypes of homes they lived in were quite different. In the feudal age, people lived in one or two room huts. These huts were only one story high and came in bunches in villages. While huts like these still existed in industrial times, in the city there were multistory apartment buildings and row houses, both of which were built back-to- back, conveniently close to factories where people worked. There were two to four rooms provided in each apartment. The poorest of families lived in one-room cellars of these buildings. Huts were made of fragile materials, mostly of wattle and daub. Roofs were thatched so they were easily destroyed. Feudal age huts had to be repaired or rebuilt almost every generation. The lord provided housing for peasants. Apartments and row houses were built clumsily and cheaply out of weak steel and lumber to provide quick housing for employees. So many people were moving to the city that homes had to be made quickly in order to provide housing for them. Although their locations were different, homes of both periods had their share of room in huts while several families might share one apartment building. Beds were made of straw and were infested by insects and rats. Peasants often let their animals vive in the huts to provide warmth, since it was too dangerous to light a fire. Their floor was dirt. Fortunately for those who lived in high-rise apartments, they had hard wood floors. However, they too had to share rooms and beds. Both types of housing in both eras had poor ventilation. Windows were very small or non-existent, so rooms were smoky and the air was dank. Rooms were cold, damp and dark. In both worlds, rooms were freezing during the winter and sweltering in the summer. The pure atmosphere of a hut, apartment, or cellar was sickening. In the Feudal period, manors, in which huts presided in, were very self-sufficient cause of the food available from farming. .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 , .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .postImageUrl , .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 , .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:hover , .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:visited , .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:active { border:0!important; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:active , .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672 .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue11ded675fe045a089d78d14b88ce672:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: European Renaissance EssayHowever, food was still expensive, especially meat. This often led to starvation and peasants had to resort to eating seeds, acorns, tree bark and grass. This of course, was not always healthy. Nutrition was not always as good in the Industrial period either. Orphaned child workers were fed improperly. Some advantages were that people had to purchase their food rather than grow it. Fewer went hungry and nutrition was slowly growing better. Although nutrition may have improved, it still did not help with the constant threat of disease in the cities. Walls surrounded cities, making plagues hang in the atmosphere. The most common disease was cholera and typhoid. It did not help much that cities had a very poor sewage system. Factories dumped their waste into rivers and streams, which led to a city drinking water supply. Feudal times were Just as worse. Famine and plagues were wide spread. Injuries caused by working in the fields were often mistreated and got worse. Diseases spread even more since villages in the feudal age were permanent, close communities. Everyone and everything lived their entire lives on the manor. The community in the industrial age was completely different. People began to move from the country to the cities in search of a better life. Instead they find that thieves, drunkards, and prostitutes roamed the dark streets at night. Streets were especially dangerous at night since street lamps did not exist. Homes were small and the streets were very cramped. The atmosphere was very dark and dreary. In conclusion, although the industrial age had its differences from the feudal age, there were many things they shared in common. How people lived related with how people worked, and vice versa. This was very true for the social lower classes of each time period.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Child Births essays

Child Births essays In-Vitro Fertilization More than 20,000 women have selected this new way of bringing life into the world. Year after year, couples have been disappointed about the prospect of having a Child the conventional way. This leaves them in such distress that they look toward Alternative methods. Trends have changed the traditional and sometime Unsuccessful methods. To a more alternative an effective method of producing strong, Healthy babies. Society has viewed this new reproduction as a great alternative to unsuccessful pregnancies. The process is called In Vitro Ferilization (IVF) is a procedure in which eggs are from the womans ovaries. They fertilized the egg by injecting sperm into them And the fertilized egg is returned to the womans uterus (Gale, 1999). In Vitro Fertilization is a procedure that enables couples to produce a child when the traditional ways of Reproduction is not possible. In vitro fertilization is a new process that couples are Looking into when problems occur with traditional methods of pregnancy. There are many steps to making sure that the couples are prepared for these long and stressful procedures. The doctor has gone over the procedure and the couples know what to expect. The initial process will require the woman to start a medication. This medication will help produce a good number of eggs healthy & mature. After the female has produces the right number of eggs that the doctor would like to have, he will extract the eggs from the woman ovaries by means of extracting them by a needle. The male would bring the sperm to the laboratory to have the two, the eggs and the sperm fertilized, in a test tube or petri dish. After 6 or 7 days the doctor would know which eggs would be the most able likely to survive. After the long days of all that is going on the couple will go back to the doctor and get the fertilized embr...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Do the Barking Dog Chemistry Demonstration

How to Do the Barking Dog Chemistry Demonstration The Barking Dog chemistry demonstration is based on an exothermic reaction between nitrous oxide or nitrogen monoxide and carbon disulfide. Ignition of the mixture in a long tube results in a bright blue chemiluminescent flash, accompanied by a characteristic barking or woofing sound. Materials for the Barking Dog Demonstration Stoppered glass tube containing N2O (nitrous oxide) or NO (nitrogen monoxide or nitric oxide). You can prepare and collect nitrous oxide or nitrogen monoxide yourself.CS2, carbon disulfideLighter or match How to Perform the Barking Dog Demonstration Unstopper the tube of nitrous oxide or nitrogen monoxide to add a few drops of carbon disulfide.Immediately re-stopper the container.Swirl the contents around to mix the nitrogen compound and carbon disulfide.Light a match or lighter. Unstopper the tube and ignite the mixture. You can throw a lit match into the tube or use a long-handled lighter.The flame front will move rapidly, creating a bright blue chemiluminescent flash and a barking or woofing sound. You can re-light the mixture a few times. After the demonstration is performed, you can see sulfur coating the inside of the glass tube. Safety Information This demonstration should be prepared and performed inside a fume hood by a person wearing safety goggles. Carbon disulfide is toxic and has a low flash point. What Is Happening in the Barking Dog Demonstration? When the nitrogen monoxide or nitrous oxide is mixed with carbon disulfide and ignited, a combustion wave travels down the tube. If the tube is long enough you can follow the progression of the wave. The gas ahead of the wavefront is compressed and explodes at a distance determined by the length of the tube (which is why when you re-ignite the mixture, the barking sounds in harmonics). The bright blue light that accompanies the reaction is one of the few examples of a chemiluminescent reaction that occurs in the gas phase. The exothermic decomposition reaction between nitrogen monoxide (oxidizer) and carbon disulfide (fuel) forms nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and elemental sulfur. 3 NO CS2 → 3/2 N2 CO SO2 1/8 S8 4 NO CS2 → 2 N2 CO2 SO2 1/8 S8 Notes about the Barking Dog Reaction This reaction was performed by Justus von Liebig in 1853 using nitrogen monoxide and carbon disulfide. The demonstration was so well-received that Liebig performed it a second time, although this time there was an explosion (Queen Therese of Bavaria received a minor wound on the cheek). Its possible the nitrogen monoxide in the second demonstration was contaminated with oxygen, to form nitrogen dioxide. There is also a safer alternative to this project that you can do with or without a lab.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Schubert Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Schubert - Research Paper Example After that he taught in his father’s school for few years but he never forgot his first love –that is music. During the time he was involved in teaching, he also composed several songs and two symphonies. He also gave music to his first written song â€Å"Gretchen am Spinnrade†, which later on became a masterpiece (Anderson, 2003). Wong (2011), in his writing analyzes the work of Schubert that enrich the world music. In his study, he pointed out his composition Trauerwalzer (or Sehnsuchtswalzer). Out of Schubert’s 36 waltzes compositions in Op. 9, this composition was the only one with a name assigned to it. This tune was common for all in Vienna and around since 1820. The original date of composition of this song was unknown but according to him the tentative year was 1816, when Schubert was 19 years old and not even, 1820 the composition got enough attention and very soon several renowned composers started to make a different version of this. A ccording to Wong, in the 19th century, a different name was associated with waltz†Beethoven†. In 1826, Trauerwalzer was mixed with another waltz composition and published as â€Å"Le Desir† and it was attributed to Beethoven. In his review, he described Schubert’s Op. 9 sets of composition as â€Å"little genii† , those† weave a web of fragrant airy threads†. ... (1999) in his study related to Schubert’s work, discussed the depth in his music.According to his analysis, the length of the music composed by Schubert did not sound boring as the compositions were translated into a sense of expectation and space . This space was there in his every creation from every angle. According to him the spaces in his music were subjective and imaginary, that makes his work more interesting. In his composition, sudden and minute changes in key, gave the impression like instant transformation into another realm. The intensity and the rapidness , which were associated with those changes make his work even more relaxed mood. According to Burnham,the themes of Schubert’s compositions were apparitions of truth. In his opinion, the power of any artist to capture their own image along with the feeling, when any composting like the same was already existing was a hard thing to do, but Schubert’s composition was able to do that easily. He did not make any changes to the composition which were already there, but adding something new to it like harmonic shock light up the composition every repeated time. The original value of his composition was not only confined to its growth or development, but it is the material itself which makes it so special (Burnham, 1999, p.2). According to Song (2012), the compositions of Schubert’s , mainly the piano compositions, were too long, with less formal coherence, and unpianistic. According to him, due to the above mentioned points his work was ineffective for any public gathering. In his writing, he mentioned Schubert’s work as potpourri and consist of random arrangement of some beautiful themes without being interconnected. In his writing he quoted â€Å"The survival of the theme as the theme is guaranteed by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Heritage Management and Eco Tourism in the UK and China Dissertation

Heritage Management and Eco Tourism in the UK and China - Dissertation Example The reason for this added requirement of coordination and cooperation between diverse organizations and stakeholders has arisen due to the expansion in global as well as domestic tourism worldwide. With the advent of globalization and liberalization and the opening up of world economies, there has been a rise in the incomes as well as expenditure on entertainment and travel (Martha, 2008). More and more people have started to travel, both within their countries and in foreign destinations, in order to spend their holidays or even to conduct business. Cultural heritage sites have become important tourist attractions worldwide and have often become a source of high revenue for the destination country. For example, in the case of several European countries like Italy, Spain and France, their rich cultural heritage has been restored, packaged and promoted as tourist attraction that inspires millions of people to visit and bring foreign exchange to these countries (Tuohino and Hynonen, 20 01). The influx of tourists adds pressure on the cultural heritage management and preservation, and hence requires the combined services and efforts of diverse organizations ranging from -

Saturday, November 16, 2019

System Software, Development and Application Essay Example for Free

System Software, Development and Application Essay In the aspect of computer technology, several elements and factors must be critically considered because of their impact and relevance on the computing capacity, efficiency and effectivity in performing the tasks relevant to the public user. The basics among these important computer specifications are the processing capacity, memory storage and computing speed in terms of handling the relevant tasks, softwares, and programs needed by its users. Determining these factors requires software and hardware knowledge to determine their most intricate and critical specification as these factors are relevant to the processing ability of the computer unit. In analyzing the performance value of a specific computer, its ability to process important softwares such as for encoding purposes, internet surfing, image and file viewer and other must be considered. In addition to these, the personal preferences and usage intention of the user must also be considered in determining which specific specification or manufacturer’s brand is effective for such need. Considering the present brands of computer units, there are actually several financial options to choose from in the acquisition of a computer unit that is suitable for the user’s needs. In this paper, actual computer units and brands will be consider and analyze to determine their effectiveness under the disparity of the most and least expensive in the market. In the category of the most expensive, the latest brand of Alienware computer brands namely the Aurora ALX reign top in the list. The specifications of this brand loudly state the reason for this nature as the unit incorporates in its system the latest and highly advanced technology in the present information technology world. On the analysis of its hard disk capacity (storage) as the comparison medium, this unit to hold 128GB storage capacity, which can be further upgraded because of its 4 drives capacity slot. This extends the memory storage capability of this unit to 512GB of storage space. On the other hand, the least expensive brand comes from the most economical manufacturing brand namely the Dell Optiplex GX270, which is less than the quarter of the price of its price range counterpart. This unit offers what is considered storage capacity of 40 GB storage space. Indeed, based on the comparison of these two actual computer brands, price of the unit is commensurable to the capacity it has including the storage space it offers for their users. Storage space is indeed important in the computer unit, their efficiency, performance vale, and effectiveness in terms of their capable tasks and responsibility. However, considering the basic needs of the encoding, internet surfing, file and picture viewing, large storage space is not much of a necessity for these particular tasks. On further analysis and brand comparison, this paper will consider several actual softwares that are needed for certain computing tasks such as Microsoft Office Home 2007 for encoding needs, Adobe Photoshop CS Edition for file and photo viewing, and Netscape Navigator for internet surfing purposes. For the Microsoft Office Home 2007, the recommended storage capacity to use this software is 1.5GB. For the Adobe Photoshop CS Edition, it is necessary to have at least 280MB of available hard disk space. Finally, the Netscape Navigator requires 100 MB of free storage space for its effective function. Thus, consider this top and among the most required computer application softwares, the established least expensive computer unit in the previous comparison appears to be sufficient, with its basic storage capacity, to handle the common tasks of encoding, surfing, and file viewing for its users. Because of this, even the least expensive computer brand in the present is still within the recommended units particularly for users who only need to perform basic computer tasks to aid their actual tasks and responsibilities. In general, each computer units has their own system specifications determining whether they are among the fastest or more efficient computer model or just within the basic range. This system specification determines much the specific economic value of price of the said computer model, as they tend to be commensurable to the performance value of the unit. However, considering the price efficiency and performance capacity of those considered to be among the cheapest brand, these computer units namely the Dell Optiplex GX270 and the other models falling in its category are still effective enough to handle the basic computer tasks in the present society. As such, price and high-end specification are not the main standards in weighing the relevance factor of each computer brands but instead, their performance value and actual significance to the needs of their users in terms of computing tasks and operations

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Technology - The Use of Holograms as a Teaching Tool :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Use of Holograms as a Teaching Tool "Wake up honey, you are going to be late for school if you don't hurry!" my mom shouted from the kitchen. "Do I have to go?" I moaned. "Yes, now hurry" she said. "Fine!" I yelled, as I stormed out the door. Once I got to the school, I hurried my way to U.S. History and took my seat. I was doing my usual day dreaming, before I actually realized what the rest of the class was discussing. I was thinking about what I was going to do after school or what basketball practice was going to be like. All of the sudden, the teacher threw a book on the desk; I snapped out of it immediately but the scene of the plain classroom wasn't the same. Everything the teacher was talking about in class was appearing in the classroom. It was like being able to walk around in history. I sat back in amazement and wondered if this virtual reality was actually true. It was unbelievable how people interacted with each other and how real it seemed. Although I wasn't really interested in the topic we were on, I immediately wanted to learn more about it because of all the graphics. It was so easy for me to learn everything that we were talking about because it appeared right in front of me. Then I thought to myself, Is it possible for holograms to teach our class or could we use them to explore lands and planets that are unknown? Could we possibly learn from these virtual worlds about how the real world works? It was almost as if I was living on the inside of the computer. It seemed as though mechanical systems would wear out, and if these holograms were properly designed, they could last hundreds of years. Then I debated whether or not this was possible or if I was still dreaming. This virtual world was beyond belief. It reminded me of scenes from Star Trek when the transporting device with the laser beam was used to relocate someone's body form from one place to another. It seemed as though the Civil War soldiers were real and were just carrying on with their everyday lives in the war. In the back of my head, I wanted to believe that they were just images, but it was hard for me to because they appeared so life like.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Arson Paper

ARSON†¦ WHAT IS IT? Krystle Lamb Houston Community College Criminal Justice 1301 ABSTRACT Arson is one of the world’s oldest known crimes. It can cost a life or a generous amount of money in damages. Even though it can take a person’s life, arson is classified as a property crime to law enforcement agencies. It is time consuming and very difficult to investigate. Only twenty percent of arrests result in a conviction because it is classified as a â€Å"property crime† rather than a violent crime. The motives of arson range from profit to murder. People who use arson use it because it’s a quick easy act of terrorism to a person or company they are trying to hurt. I believe there should be more and better adequate training for investigators and prosecutors to put away the people that can commit such a crime. The United States has one of the highest fire death rates in the world. In 1998 the â€Å"NFPA reported about 14. 9 deaths per million population. Between 1994 and 1998 about 4,400 Americans died and about 35,100 were injured yearly. Also about 100 firefighters a year lost their lives in their hazardous job related duties. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arson) Fires kill more Americans a year than natural disasters combined. Arson is the most expensive crime committed, this can be attributed to the several factors which are the lack of education on the problems of arson, and prosecutors do not want to take on the case because of circumstantial evidence, quick payments from insurance companies, and inadequate train ing for investigators. Legal arson is categorized in two categories; aggravated arson and arson. â€Å"Aggravated arson is burning of property while endangering human life. Arson is burning of property that does not include the risk of human life. â€Å" (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arson) Fire crime scenes begin like any other investigation. The trick is to connect the suspect to the crime. There are clues to determine if a fire is suspicious or not. For example, the color of the flames has to do with the accelerant use. Like alcohol burn with a blue-orange flame. The descriptions are usually gained from the witnesses. The odor of smoke can explain what material was used to start the fire. Before a fire is visible, the smoke can be observed. If the smoke is black then it is petroleum based. If the smoke is a white color the vegetation material was used (hay or straw. ) If the structure is completely engulfed in flames then it is difficult to determine which material was set to burn. The size of the fire gives the investigator information if it was arson or not. For instance, if a building is engulfed in flames in a short period of time, then that might be because of arson. Natural fire tends to burn at a slower steadier pace with a natural pattern but this is circumstantial. One of the articles that I decided to write about was the incident that took place at the beginning of September in Needville, TX. â€Å"It was a fire that burned 400 acres and charred a barn in the Needville area and was intentionally set, officials  said. The blaze started at the corner of a pasture on Foster School Road near Brinkmeyer on Sept. 7, according to the Fort Bend County Sheriff's  Office. The blaze raced southwest and jumped Baker Road. It also destroyed a facility that housed two vehicles and travel  tailer. More than 100 firefighters from 20 agencies from nearby areas, including the Needville Fire Department, battled the  blaze. In conclusion, arson is a very serious crime and should be taken very seriously when one is criminally charged. Way too much money is lost, as well as the lives of others who are less fortunate. Works Cited Lezon, D. (2011, September, 7). $10,000 reward in arson fire near Needville. The Houston Chronicle. $10,000 reward offered in arson case. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from http://abclocal. o. com/ktrk/story? section=news/crime_tracker;id=8371513 Huge reward offered in Needville arson. Retrieved September 29, 2011 from http://www. fortbendnow. com/2011/09/28/56990 $10K reward out for anyone who turns in serial arsonist in Needville. Retrieved September 22, 2011 from http://www. yourhoustonnews. com/fort_bend/news/reward-out-for-needville-arsonist/article_74e0b30e-5347-5171-9852-b5f9002d0477. html Karki, Sameer , K. (2009, february 13). Arson. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Arson

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life Span Development Essay

Michael Joseph Jackson was born August 29, 1958-June 25, 2009. He was well known for being an recording artist, dancer, singer-songwriter and philanthropist. He was a famous icon for over four decades. Michael was the eighth child of the Jackson’s family and shared his fame as being one of the Jackson 5’s along with his brothers. He began his solo career in 1971 and was a music icon by the early 80’s. Looking at the story of his life I feel that his environment had more influence on his psychological development than heredity. The family dwelling was normal as to be expected with the exception of what I would call living as a star in the spotlight. Heredity had little to do with Michael’s development and personality. I can say that his father was a person that may have had a compulsive personality disorder because he was really demanding thinking that would make the group achieve success better. In the end result the father hindered the group more than he helped. He took away their childhood because they were forced to practice or rehearse during times they should have been having fun as kids. Michael developed many personality issues with his success. First of all, there were several aspects of Michael personal life that was a controversy. To begin with changing his personal appearances was greatly publicized. Michael Jackson suffered from this disorder called Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). With this condition a person suffers with shame and embarrassment and even disgust with their physical appearance. 75% of those with BDD seek out either plastic surgery or dermatological treatments in order to change their appearance. (Shepphird, 2006-2009). Michael Jackson had a total of 13 plastic surgeries’ where he tried to resemble Peter Pan’s image. This was also characterized by an Erotic Identity Disorder. His face was very unnatural looking. The most erotic behavior was when Michael decided to bleach his skin. Michael also was known for having a eating disorder. He admitted this himself when he admitted the pain from his father’s abuse. He suffered from bulimia at age seven. This followed him to adulthood where he was a very frail and weak adult. (Lauren, 2011). His stressful life and deprived childhood could be a cause for this disorder. There was a child molestation case against Jackson with a 13 year old boy in which resulted in a drug addiction caused the bulimia to get worse. Michael’s body was skeletal and his body was extremely pail. It is not known as of yet if this disorder contributed to his death. The last disorder known to have been suffered by Michael is a sleep disorder. Some research has shown that a person that one with less than sufficient sleep is more prone to cause accidents. I can also be related to affecting relationships and mental prowess; it makes you feel â€Å"disconnected† from the world. When your lack of sleep is caused by a tough deadline or a common cold, one normally does not have any problems recovering a normal pattern, but if you have trouble sleeping on a regular basis, this guide to managing common sleep problems and disorders can help you be well on your way to experiencing healthy, restorative sleep. (Barston, 2010). Michael Jackson didn’t have much of a child hood at the age of 5 he was applauded for his voice at a recital performed at his school during Christmas. At the young age of 11, he got to sing on lead vocals on the band formed by him and his brothers. The band, ‘The Jackson 5’ released a number of singles before being signed by Motown Records label in 1968. The magazine the Rolling Stone described young Jackson as a child prodigy, as he used to sing famous numbers of Sam Cooke, James Brown, Ray Charles, and Stevie Wonder like a grown up. (iloveindia. com, 2010). This was a huge impact on the social development of the pop star. Many may argue that the other siblings were not affected therefore Michael should have been the same but it is well documented that Joe Jackson the pop stars father was harder on Michael than any other child. Joe Jackson feels that he was hard to make Michael who he was a famous singer/dancer. As Michael got older he relied on support from friend in which he considered his family like Diana Ross, Elizabeth Taylor, Brooke Shields, and Oprah Winfery. Jackson’s bizarre assortment of friends and acquaintances only added to the weirdness that characterized his life. Macaulay Culkin, the actor who was well know in the movie Home Alone was a good friend of Michael whom took extra measures to defend him saying he had shared a bed with the pop star and never been molested. The comment may have helped in the defense end but really made American look at the star in disgust. Macaulay Culkin felt as though the accusations were insane. While listening to the Larry King interview in 2004 I thought it was strange that Michael Jackson a grown man had invited Culkin to his house at age 11. Macaulay Culkin even appeared in Jackson’s video Black or White. In Culkin’s opinion Jackson related to children because they didn’t care who he was or what his past looked like. But indeed this was the opinion of a child. The relationship was very child like whereas Culkin talked to Michael like he was a normal human being, played video games together and lived out his childhood fantasies. (Guardian. co. uk  © Guardian News and Media Limited 2011, 2013). The two different Theories of personality I can relate Michael to would be the Psychodynamic Theory and the Humanist Theory. The Psychodynamic Theory is heavenly influenced by childhood experiences. According to psychodynamic theories, factors which contribute to child abuse include being abused as a child, immaturity, social isolation, a personal history of a family crisis, and drug or alcohol problems. Looking at the direction Michael’s life took it seems that his responses were influenced by the abused he was adhered to in his childhood. Joe Jackson indeed was really abusive to Michael and those childhood experiences hindered his for life. In an interview with Martin Bashir, Michael stated â€Å"I never look at myself in the mirror, I had very bad pimples and acne and it was very difficult for me to face the public looking so ugly. † According to the Humanists Theory the focus of the humanistic perspective is on the self. Michael Jackson was not satisfied with himself no matter what surgery he had. He was powerful with lots of money but needed to get help with buliding self regard or their self concept. The theoretical approach I feel that should have been acted on is the psychodynamic psychotherapy which should have been started when Michael was a child. His father should have gotten help when the kids were stripped of their childhood but instead they were forced like slaves. When I look at all the childhood celebrities they are always in the spot like because they re forced to be adults to perform, sing, and dance when they should be children. This in my opinion is a sort of rebellion. In conclusion, I feel that money is not everything you have to weigh the pros and con’s when making choices especially if it strips away childhood. Many people say Michael Jackson was an accident waiting to happen but yet no one could help him get the psychological help he needed to save his life. He was very t alented and no one on this earth will be able to fill his shoes. So with that being said I can say rest in peace Michael Jackson.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Proposal essays

Proposal essays First year students at the University of Dayton are at a disadvantage because they are unable to have vehicles due to little parking space. This could be fixed, making all happy, by supplying a parking lot for first year students. I am rather qualified in this area for I have done research on the topic and I am also a first year student at the university, so I know how it affects students first hand. Unfortunately, it wont be a fast process to get this accomplished, for it will have to go through the school board committee and so on. Currently the university is also looking at several other big projects as well, such as building new and renovating old dormitories and building a new music building and/or practice field for the band. This also is a rather expensive project as well, but I feel it is well worth it for it will help the students affected greatly. It is figured that this project will cost approximately $38, 920. Currently, first year students at the University of Dayton are unable to bring cars with them to the campus. This can put those students at a great disadvantage in many ways. Yes, it will help keep the students on the campus, well some of them, but I think if we were allowed to have a car on campus, we could adjust a little bit better to the new life or environment we have here. It makes it very difficult for those students to get jobs off campus due to the fact that they dont have a way to get to work unless they catch the bus or have someone that is willing to take them, which isnt always sufficient. I have researched the subject to discover what has to be done to get a project such as this accomplished here at the university. First and foremost I found out how many first year students were enrolled at the University of Dayton. Next I found out how many of those first year students were living in campus housing a ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Pro Drop Parameter English Language Essay

A Pro Drop Parameter English Language Essay Pro-drop parameter is such a parameter for whether the declarative sentence in universal grammar can omit the subject. It is also known as null subject parameter, non-subject parameter. The so-called â€Å"pro-drop† phenomenon refers to the subject can be deleted in the declarative sentence (White, 1986). The pro-drop parameter (null subject parameter) proposed is based on the phenomenon of omitted subject pronouns in some language. The empty synonymous is commonly known as pro, the language of the subject can be omitted due to the pro appears only in subject position, or the language with no main statement can be called as pro-drop language. Whether the subject can be omitted constitutes a parameter in universal grammar, known as pro-drop parameter. Pro-drop parameter is a universal grammar parameter which is the most discussed (Chomsky and Lasnik, 1991). It is an important parameter to examine the second language acquisition effect in the study of the second language learni ng. Pro-drop parameter assumption studies the adult null subject phenomenon to show the object-drop in the children’s language, the basic premise of the theory is for the most grammar provides null subject parameter for language learners (White, 1986). This default parameter allows null subject, so only when the child’s language environment provides them with clear evidence to prove their language cannot be null subject, it will lead them to reset the parameters. Different languages à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹have different pro-drop parameter values, that is, to determine whether the declarative sentence can omit the subject. Chomsky (2000) argues that the sentence has two levels, one is the deep structure (d-structure) to express the sentence vocabulary meaning, it is the concept structure in the brain before the people to talk; the other is the shallow structure (s -structure) to express the moving relationship of sentence elements, it is the sound people sp eak. Principles and parameters theory claims that empty synonymous pro only appears in d-structure, and does not appear in s-structure (Ouhalla, 2000). In the d-structure of the implied subject sentence, the subject is existed, invisible pro is taken as the subject, the main word syntactic component does not disappear, and it is still present in the speech’s heart and brain syntax with â€Å"psychological reality.† In the s-structure of the implied subject, the subject is existed in the form of â€Å"null†, the subject form of this â€Å"null† is called pro. It knows that the pro is implied in s-structure. Although many studies have tried to explain second language learners like children acquisition native-like to set the open parameters, since the early 1980s, people found that the initial stage of the second language learners will transfer the parameters set in mother tongue (Gass and Schachter, 1989; Lydia, 1989, 1991). Here, taking the implied pro par ameters for illustration here carries out a brief description of the similarities and differences in setting of this parameter in the native language. In addition, it will also explain the potential advantages are of the assumption there is a pro drop parameter. In children’s brain, the setting of the language parameter can be considered a switch: children adjust each parameter value according to their heard language material. Chomsky (2000) suggests that the transition from the initial state to a stable state is actually the process of setting switch direction (Cook and Newson, 2000, pp.110). Acquisition of English syntax means setting the all parameters in universal grammar according to the English habit, and the parameter settings are activated relying on linguistic evidence. Usually there are three linguistic à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹instances: positive evidence, direct negative evidence and indirect negative evidence. Positive evidence refers to the language h eard by children. The linguistic instance heard by British children enables them to find English is a non-implicit pro parameter language. Spanish children will find that Spanish is the implicit pro parameter language. Direct negative evidence, also known as direct correction, is directly from the adult corrections. However, the direct correction is limited. Even if corrected directly, children also tend to ignore, thus the direct correction cannot be the main source for the children to obtain the language skills. Indirect negative evidence is such a language form for the children cannot hear. British children are impossible to hear such as â€Å"Sits.† statement, or reversed predicate word order, such as â€Å"Sits he.† So, some studies suggest that the indirect negative instance contributes to the setting of parameters. Hyams (1981) specifically studied the implicit pro parameter setting in the native language acquisition. She found that the British children could sp eak many sentences without subject like the Spanish, such as: â€Å"Play it.† Or â€Å"No go in†. At the same time, in their language they will leave the words such as ‘it’ and ‘there’. Gradually, they began to understand that the English needs the lexical subject and added the function words ‘it’ and ‘there’ in sentences. While the Spanish children in the beginning thought that Spanish is the language of the implicit parameter, and does not need to change. Hyams (1981) believes that in the acquisition of the mother tongue, the children regard the implied pro parameters as a default, it is, regardless of their language, always speak the sentences without subject, the children eventually found the parameter values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹from the positive evidence. Non-implied pro parameters language English uses impersonal Indefinite pronoun ‘it’ in the sentences expressing weather: â€Å"Ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s raining.† In the presence of the sentence, ‘there’ is used: â€Å"Once upon a time, there were three bears.† The emergence of expletive subject makes the British children were aware of the English is a non-implied subject language. Cook (2000: 90) argued that the basis for the universal grammar to explain language acquisition lies in the positive evidence plays a key role. Children are mainly from the positive evidence rather than negative evidence to acquisition of the mother tongue.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The human relations management of Cirque Du Soleil club Case Study

The human relations management of Cirque Du Soleil club - Case Study Example This essay discusses that human resource management refers to a sequence of organized administrative activities aimed at addressing all concerns of an organization’s employees. Human resource management has a central role in the attaining strategic objectives set by an organization. According to Armstrong an organization’s objectives are achievable through the application of strategic perspective to the management of its employees. Armstrong defines the strategic approach to employees management as a process involving integrated human resource policies and practical practices. Strategic perspective to management of human resource involves measured development and implementation of viable practices, procedures and systems to attain set objectives. Business environments are undergoing transformations from trends such as globalization, prompting the application of strategic perspectives to human resource management. Strategic application of appropriate human resource manag ement theories is fundamental in achieving an organization’s goals as advocated by Sims. Theoretical foundations to managing an organization’s employees form the basis of practice. Martocchio, Joshi and Liao emphasize the effectiveness of implementing the employee relations perspective in strategic human resource management. The classical theory explained by Rao and Krishna is similarly imperative in ensuring strategic management of an organization’s employees. The systems theory applied in human resource management is important in realizing the organization’s goals.