College writing essay
Essay Topics For Handmaid'S Tale
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Multi-unit manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
The Multi-unit supervisor - Essay Example Useful and Implications †The information got from this investigation will help the multi-unit eatery activity in the advancement of Human asset regarding enrollment, choice and preparing needs. Presentation In the United Kingdom, the administration business spoke to over 77.1 percent of Gross Domestic Production in 2010 (CAI Fact book, 2011). There are numerous universal inns, for example, Hiltons or Accor that have extended everywhere throughout the world. In café segment, most eateries appear to be an independent company or privately-owned company, which has just a single unit. In the wake of raising more benefit, the business will in general extend its outlets to both national and abroad level. McDonald’s, for instance, has extended its branches, which are around 31,000 cafés in 2010 (Ritzer 2011). Multi-unit cafés could be characterized as an organization which equals in the part with more than one unit of an idea or subject (Olesen et al 1992). Because of serious intensity in the café part, cost decrease and normalization have been reliably centered around in multi-unit firms so as to get rates of profitability of its image (Jones 1993). In a chain of cafés, â€Å"manager of managers†or the administrator who works among tasks and participate level supervisors is called as the Multi-unit director (Drucker 1995). As indicated by Goss-Turner (1999), in a multi-unit firm or the multi-unit zone liable for 2 to15 units, the duties of the Multi-unit chiefs are to focus on system of business instead of single unit activities. Because of normalizations that have expanded in nineteenth century, the multi-unit has developed alongside deliberate appraisal for determination of preparing for the multi-unit administrator (Goss-Turner 1999). It could be seen that with the expectation of growing in chain, multi eatery outlets and the multi-unit zone need to grow all the while. To increase an upper hand, the organization ought to have the option to create nature of their workers particularly the multi-unit administrator. It very well may be said that the majority of the scholastic examination has concentrated on the job, obligations and aptitudes of single-unit activity, yet on the multi-unit organization. The aptitudes of the region chief are probably going to be unique in relation to the single unit directors. Umbreit and Smith (1990) asserted that practically all the region chiefs are selected from single units. Thus, the multi-unit administrators have confronted issues in making the progress from single-units to multi-units due to the job, duty and aptitudes that are not quite the same as single activity supervisors. Umbreit and Tomlin (1986) studied numerous multi-food benefits and featured that most elements of the multi-unit supervisors are identified with café activity, human asset, and fund. Along these lines, Muller and Campbell (1995) likewise indicated that human asset was the most noteworthy issue for the multi-u nit chiefs. What's more, in 2009 human asset, café activity and money were as yet the significant prerequisites for the multi-unit administrator position. Thus, at the core of this examination is to dissect the jobs, obligations and abilities of the multi-unit directors in café industry by giving a contextual investigation of Pan Asia gathering. A semi structure conducts meeting of the multi-unit
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Owning a business Essay -- essays research papers
Claiming YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITH EMPHASIS ON CHILD CARE CENTERS  â â â â Presentation This paper will talk about routes with the end goal for you to turn into an entrepreneur just as how to begin your own kid care focus. Claiming a business isn't a simple activity. There is really a confounded and long procedure to turn into an entrepreneur. Before you begin to consider what you need to do, you have to inquire as to whether you will be focused on this endeavor. On the off chance that you are, at that point continue on with your business nonetheless, in the event that you are not, at that point claiming a business is presumably not for you. With claiming your own business, your going to have less close to home time then you had beforehand. Here are a few reasons individuals become business people. Numerous individuals want to be autonomous, they would prefer to work for themselves since they don’t take orders from others well. Possessing a business is likewise an opportunity for proprietors to work at something they appreciate, they aren’t pushed behind a work area accomplishing recording labor for eight hours per day. You are allowed to work at your own paces with your own business. Contingent upon the sort of business you own, you have an extraordinary chance to amass incredible riches. Reason and Scope The reason for this report is to illuminate perusers regarding the choices accessible to individuals who need to possess their own business. There is additionally a developing requirement for youngster care. So with this need an ever increasing number of individuals are choosing to open up youngster care focuses. In this report I will spread out strides in how to go into business, and what to do from that point. Additionally, upsides and downsides to claiming your own business. Sources and Methods So as to give the data expected to go into business, I have looked through numerous diaries just as business related books. Web sources have additionally help get data. I have additionally led a meeting with a proprietor of a kid care focus. Beginning Picking what sort of business to open is the most significant choice to make. Because you like to make arm bands doesn’t mean you might want maintaining a business making wristbands. You have to consider how much cash you need to make, past encounters, mentalities on the business you pick, and your going to require an information and a few abilities with the decision you make. Advantages and disadvantages With everything else in life there can be favorable circumstances and burdens to claiming a business. There are many... ...a business to run, consider kid care. Kid care is a developing need. More moms are returning to work in the wake of having kids. The youngsters need structure during the hours their folks are away. The individuals who are unreasonably youthful for school can discover a childcare community warm and welcoming. Most childcare habitats will give an educational plan that will enable your youngsters to learn. The individuals who open and run childcare focuses are doing as such on purpose. That reason is on the grounds that they love youngsters. Taking everything into account, if your activity is going no place and you have to begin once again, think about going into business. Likewise on the off chance that you like children and can manage them appropriately, consider opening a childcare place. Works Sited Burstiner, Irving. â€Å"The Small Business Handbook.†Third Edition. FIRESIDE Rockefeller Center. New York, NY 1997 Gallagher, Patricia. C. â€Å"Start Your Own Child Care Business†Second Edition. Youthful Sparrow Press, Worcester, PA 2000 McKeever, Mike. â€Å"How to Write a Business Plan†Sixth Edition. September 2002. â€Å"Starting a Day Care Center†2003 â€Å"Online Women’s Business Center†2004 â€Å"Owning Your Own Business (Pros and Cons)†2003
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Savannah Points of Interest
Savannah Points of Interest Savannah's historic district was designated a national historic landmark in 1966; many of its 18th- and 19th-century homes have been restored. Despite devastating fires in 1796 and 1820, many old buildings have survived, including the Pirates' House (1754), an old seaman's inn mentioned in Stevenson's Treasure Island ; the Herb House (1734), the oldest existing building in Georgia; and the Pink House (1789), site of Georgia's first bank. The mansion birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low (built 1819â€"21) is owned and operated by the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. as a memorial to their founder. The monument and grave of Nathanael Greene are in Johnson Square. The many churches include the Lutheran Church of Ascension (dating from 1741); the Independent Presbyterian Church (1890s), a replica of an earlier church destroyed by fire and the scene of Woodrow Wilson's marriage to Ellen Axson; and the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (1876), one of the largest Roman Catholic churches in the Sout h. Introduction Points of Interest History The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Friday, May 22, 2020
Sex Segregation in the Workplace Essay - 514 Words
Why are most brain surgeons and CEOs male? Why are most secretaries and nurses female? Why not female surgeons and male nurses? These are simple and frequent questions that can be answered by most Sociologist and Theorists. Sociologists and Theorists equate this type of job inequality phenomenon with occupational sex segregation. Sex segregation in the workplace is one of the most visible signs of inequality in the labor market. In almost every work setting, it is rare to see men and women working at the same job. When they do, they usually perform different tasks, with unequal levels of responsibility and authority. Even when job tasks are virtually identical, it is not uncommon to find men and women allocated to distinct job†¦show more content†¦Employers try to maximize profits by maximizing productivity and minimizing costs to the extent possible, but because of competition and efficient labor markets, employers pay workers their marginal product. So, this theory explain s why more males than females are surgeons; because they seem to have better opportunities for education and they tend to lack certain obligations that females have. Whereas many women find it difficult to find the time to obtain this education because of their certain obligations life hands them, for example taking care of a family and raising children. When explaining occupational sex segregation by sex, researchers usually distinguish labor supply and labor demand factors. Factors related to labor supply generally focus on why women prefer certain types of occupation for example, women may prefer those with flexible hours in order to allow time for child care, and may also prefer occupations which are relatively easy to interrupt for a period of time to bear or rear children. Explanations related to labor demand focus on why employers generally prefer to hire women or men for particular occupations and why women and men have different opportunities for promotion and career development within firms. Institutional and labor market segmentation theories are another explanation for whyShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality Of Women And Women Essay1440 Words  | 6 PagesWe live in a society where men and women are not see the same nor are treated equally. Gender inequalities have always been an issue in our society. Women have always gain less respect than men based on their sex. The society has developed certain images and roles for males and females. Men are seen to have masculine traits such stability, independence, and confidence; whereas, women have more feminine traits such as nurturing, affection, and patience. 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Women through great effort and gotRead MoreAffirmative Action : The United States956 Words  | 4 Pagesintroduced until the 1960s. Back then affirmative action was more known as segregation or discrimination in the workplace or there lack of. The women and people of color were the targets of discrimination, which several presidents tried to correct for equality. The Past During the Great Depression affirmative action was introduced, although it was not called that yet, under the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Segregation and discrimination was a major issue and President Roosevelt wanted to make
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Affirmative Action And Its Effect On Society Essay
In Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream Speech, he states â€Å"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character†, this appeals to the emotions that judging based on a person’s race is wrong. For this reason affirmative action in higher education admission should alter for it creates a perpetual racial preference in admission. Affirmative action is controversial due its issue of whether the generation of today should pay for the past injustices done to certain ethnicities. It questions the constitutionality of its existence and whether it perpetuates racial discrimination. Although affirmative action greatly promotes diversity and exposes diverse perspectives in an educational field, it’s time to realize its modern predicaments and visualize how to better progress terms of admission for the future of the diversified generations of America. Thus it is vital to address the reasons why prolonging affirmative action hinders the creation for better opportunities to those at a disadvantaged. The dilemma of affirmative action is defining equal opportunities, especially to ethnicities who historically felt injustice.The famous U.S landmark case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), where Allan Bakke, a white man, was twice rejected to University of California Medical School at Davis, ruled that racial quotas â€Å"violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment†, however race can serve a part as oneShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits Of Affirmative Action855 Words  | 4 PagesThe benefits of affirmative action for society The ethical issues around the policy of affirmative action often raises disputes in the society. The opponents of the affirmative action or positive discrimination consider that it is the same discrimination, but of the minority against the majority. Some opponents consider that the affirmative action not only does not help the groups of minority, but also diminishes their achievements by providing them extra opportunities. Undoubtedly, there is a reasonRead MoreWhy We Still Need Affirmitive Action1493 Words  | 6 PagesWhy we still need affirmative action Because of the complex nature of the discussion on affirmative action and the controversies and the emotion surrounding it, it is imperative to first recap on the causes of race and inequality in the United States of America. The policies on affirmative action were proposed as a fractional remedy for the socio-economic impacts of past and present disadvantage faced by certain groups in the population, especially with regard to biases on gender and race. Such disadvantagesRead More Affirmative Action Essay1086 Words  | 5 Pages The roots of Affirmative Action can be traced back to the passage of the Civil Rights Act where legislation redefined public and private behavior. The act states that to discriminate in private is legal, but anything regarding business or public discrimination is illegal. There are two instances when opposing affirmative action might seem the wrong thing to do. The nobility of the cause that help others. Affirmative Action was a great starter for equality in the work place. The mostRead Moreaffirmative action1695 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Abstract What is affirmative action? Affirmative action is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, esp. in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination. In the 1940s: President Roosevelt signed an order making discrimination illegal in defense contracting. 1954: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separate but equal facilities on the basis of race were unconstitutionally discriminatory. The Act of 1964: CongressRead More Affirmative Action Is the Wrong Action Essays1708 Words  | 7 PagesAffirmative Action Is the Wrong Action The United States of America has long been a country divided by race. Hate has pervaded her existence since her conception, and now today’s society is forced to deal with those issues. Minorities have suffered at the hands of the white male majority for centuries as the social activities of the old war were brought to the new colonies, only to ferment and continue to affect the lives of all who lived within her borders. There is no doubting that thisRead More All Things Being Equal Essay1062 Words  | 5 Pages11246, which signaled the birth of affirmative action. Affirmative action refers to efforts to increase educational and employment opportunities for minorities and women. In November, 1997, California voters did away with affirmative action [at the state level] by passing proposition 209. They were convinced that it was no longer needed, that it gave minorities and women special rights. Governor Pete Wilson wrote in 1996 as part of his campaign against affirmative act ion: Let me be clear: we haventRead MoreArgumentation-Persuasion Essay Affirmative Action1494 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentation-Persuasion Essay Affirmative Action Ronald Spears 16 March 2012 Constitution Law Bonnie Ronson Wiregrass Tech. College Online Abstract: The terms affirmative action refer to policies that take race, ethnicity, or gender into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or increase ethnic or other forms of diversity. The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs. The impetus towards affirmative action is twofold: toRead MoreAffirmative Action Should Not Be A Program1540 Words  | 7 Pagesmodern American government and yet is still very active today. Affirmative action is defined as â€Å"the practice of improving the educational and job opportunities of members of groups that have not been treated fairly in the past because of their race, sex, etc†(Merriam-Webster). Affirmative action creates a blatantly unfair advantage in college and job applications to non-minority races and is ultimately a racist law. Affirmative action is most prominent in the College admission process, where itsRead MoreAffirmative Action : African American A nd Hispanic870 Words  | 4 Pagessuccessful life without affirmative action. Since Santiago was both African American and Hispanic he dealt with identity issues and stereotypes throughout his adolescent life. Even though affirmative action is supposed to make attempts to improve opportunities for groups that were historically excluded it is still a form of discrimination itself. The preference of one race over another is discrimination despite the fact if the group is gaining benefits. Contemporary society still takes on the controversialRead MoreLegal Aspect of Affirmative Action Essay1288 Words  | 6 PagesAffirmative action programs are often misunderstood. Each person has their own idea of what affirmative action really entails. This paper will provide an overview of the legal aspect of affirmative action. The differences between affirmative action programs and equal opportunity legislation will be explained. The positive arguments will be presented along with the ne gative arguments. The affects affirmative action has on the society of the United States will be analyzed. Finally the reactions
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Public Sphere Free Essays
Public Sphere By â€Å"the public sphere†we mean first of all a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed. Access is guaranteed to all citizens. A portion of the public sphere comes into being in every conversation in which private individuals assemble to form a public body. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Sphere or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Jurgen Habermas, Sara Lennox and Frank Lennox, 1964) The public sphere is an area in our social life where every individual can come together to freely discuss their opinions. Besides, the constitution of public sphere is every conversation from private individuals assembles to form a public group. The concept of the public sphere, as the historically conditioned social space where information, ideas and debate can circulate in society, and where political opinion can be formed, became a central, organizing motive. This framework cast the public sphere as a sociological concept as well as an inspirational vision of something better yet to be attained. Peter Dahlgren, 1995) Besides, the public sphere is where every single individual shares information and ideas as well as identify societal problems, and through that discussion influence political action. It is a discursive space in which individuals and groups congregate to discuss matters of mutual interest and, where possible, to reach a common judgment. The internet could be an efficient political instrument if it were seen as part of a democracy where free and open discourse within a vital public sphere plays a decisive role. The model of deliberative democracy, as developed by Jurgen Habermas and Seyla Benhabib, serves this concept of democracy best. (Antje Gimmler, 2001) The internet is one of the public spheres, also known as virtual sphere for the public to discuss their opinions, mutual interest and their political views. Civil society can be defined as the totality of self-organized spheres of activity in the form of associations, organizations, cooperatives, and the like, in which members freely confer equal rights upon one another and through which a public, social and political realm is established. Citizen initiatives, round-tables, various societies, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and so on, all belong to the new political sphere to which the term civil society refers. Although the public sphere and civil society do not coincide, they overlap to a significant degree, and given its critical function in the model of deliberative democracy, the intersection of civil society and the public sphere is particularly important. (Antje Gimmler, 2001) The civil society is formed by self-organized spheres, and the members of it freely confer equal rights. Civil society is a new political sphere which overlaps to a significant degree with public sphere and functions as the model of deliberative democracy. Why public sphere is important? Public sphere is very important in which constituted to democracy. Television, popular newspapers, magazines and photography, the popular media of the modern period, are the public domain, the place where and the means by which the public is created and formed the opinions. The issue of the public sphere is at the heart of any reconceptualization of democracy. Contemporary social relations seem to be devoid of a basic level of interactive practice which, in the past, was the matrix of democratizing politics. Many of these places remain but no longer serve as organizing centers for political discussion and action. It appears that the media, especially television but also other forms of electronic communication isolate citizens from one another and substitute themselves for older spaces of politics. (Mark Poster, 1995) Newspaper and journals as one of the public sphere provide a lot of information and political debate. Besides, other institutions such as public assemblies also discuss about socio-political. People can shape their public opinion and talk about their needs and interests while influencing political practice. The public sphere consisted of organs of information and political debate such as newspaper and journals, as well as institutions of political discussion where socio-political discussion took place. For the first time in history, individuals and groups could shape public opinion, giving direct expression to their needs and interests while influencing political practice. The bourgeois public sphere made it possible to form a realm of public opinion that opposed state power and the economic interests that were coming to shape bourgeois society. (Lewis Edwin Hahn, 2000) From the public sphere, people can know more about the world around them. People can update the world events and the development of society through the public sphere. The public sphere is a mental environment where people engage in interpreting both the reality around them and the processes which occur there. Such interpretations, in turn, have an impact on the course of future events and processes. Thus, the public sphere serves to update people on world events and on the development of society, whilst the public is able to apply its own attitudes to the shaping of opinions which form the public sphere, as well as to the actual processes and decisions involved. (Maarja Lohmus, 2002) Why Malaysia’s citizens need this public sphere? Malaysia’s citizens need the public sphere to strengthen the democratization process and public deliberation. However, Malaysia government controls all of the media to filter the bad comments toward the government. Federal constitution and several restrictive laws such as the Internal Security Act (ISA), Sedition Act (SA), Official Secret Act (OSA), and Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA) contribute to the limitation of press freedom and engineer the refeudalization process in Malaysia. According to Doris Graber, there are no media that are free from government controls. Many of the regulations regarding the size and reach of media business combinations, protection of national security, protection of the rights of individuals, and cultural safeguards strongly influence what may and may not be published. Violations are kept in check by the fear of regulatory legislation. In times of war or similar threats to national security, controls have often become quite severe, including laws that prohibit criticism of the government. Finally, most of the information about government that the media present is supplied by government sources, giving government officials control over what to disclose or conceal and allowing them to present information from the government’s perspective. (Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, 2009) Deliberative democracy is understood to be a rational discourse in which a certain political position is debated and clarified. Through the arena of the public sphere, people freely come together and discuss political issues and influence political action. The public sphere is important for the exercise of deliberative democracy, and is characterized by two distinctive features. The first is the citizens? general access to information, opinion and institutions, and the second is the enhanced political participation through discussion and debate on certain issues that would influence the political action. Thus, the Internet is credited with the potential to contribute to the public sphere and, therefore, to deliberative democracy. How to cite Public Sphere, Essay examples Public Sphere Free Essays â€Å"The idea that a public sphere to which everyone can contribute on equal terms is simply a fantasy. †To believe that there exists a public sphere where every single member contributes on an equal level is highly unrealistic. Correspondingly, many academics have critically supported as well as argued against this view. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Sphere or any similar topic only for you Order Now There will be discussion of the public sphere and various writer’s views and concepts regarding it, with specific references to Howley (2007) and Turnbull (2006), as well as Hackett (2010), Holub (1994), Apppadurai (2000), Meikle (2008), and Fraser (1990). The different academics will introduce and discuss; an ideal and flawed public sphere, a democratic public sphere, and the important roles of audiences and participants. Furthermore, there will be a particular focus on Habermas, his theories and findings consequently deconstructing his ideas on his bourgeois public sphere theory. Overall, the key argument in this discussion is that the public sphere is ideally seen as an arena for equal opinions, however pragmatically this is not the case and it is difficult to achieve it because of the different factors that exist between individuals and participants. Holub (1994) explains the public sphere as; â€Å"a realm in which opinions are exchanged between private persons unconstrained (ideally) by external pressures. Theoretically open to all citizens and founded in the family, it is the place where something approaching public opinion is formed. It should be distinguished both from the state, which represents official power, and from the economic structures of civil society as a whole. Its function is actually to mediate between society and state; it is the arena in which the public organizes itself, formulates public opinion, and expresses its desires vis-a-vis [face to face with] the government†. Similarly, a majority of modern conceptualisations of the public sphere relate back to Jurgen Habermas and his bourgeois public sphere. Habermas defines it as a space of reflective discussion about issues and subjects of a common interest, following an informed democratic procedure (Meikle 2008). Thus, a relevant example would be; supplying different resources of media to developing countries in preparation for an election or some sort political decision. By doing this, individuals are being provided an informed democratic process, allowing them access to sources of independent media to make a more informed decision before they elect. This is often present in events such as elections as it is an arena where private people come together as a public; as one. By looking back, the characteristics of the public sphere have not changed when comparing the old and contemporary. Meikle (2008) discusses how Habermas emphasized the role of periodical press in the development of his public sphere (p. 129), describing it as the ‘coffee-house culture’ and how at the time people would sit and discuss topics and events which would in turn lead to influencing the political culture of the 17th and 18th century. However, it must also be noted that Habermas’ accepted criticism to his notion, as well as making it clear that the public sphere is not given to every type of society, and it does not own a fixed status. Furthermore, Meikle (2008) also likens the public sphere to a place where participants can discuss their ideas freely. However, it is important to regard these definitions as the ‘idyllic’ public sphere, Holub (1994) mentions ‘ideally’ in brackets, because realistically it is unachievable to have this sort of ‘perfect’ public sphere where everyone contributes equally. Many academics have criticized Habermas’ bourgeois public sphere, questioning if it ever really existed, and if it did, would it really be able to ever exist again? On that note, Hackett (2010) brings forth the notions that this concept of Habermas’ public sphere that presumes rationality, equality is false, and consequently, he critiques it, alongside Fraser (1990), saying that; â€Å"it embeds a masculinist notion of rationality, and a taken-for granted gendered distinction between private and public spheres. It ignores the ‘counter’ and minority public spheres of subordinate groups, the intrusion of social and economic inequalities into the processes of the public sphere, and the conversion of public opinion into effective state policy through representative political mechanisms. (2010, p. 4). Additionally, Fraser (1990) looks at how Habermas’ theory of the bourgeois public sphere constitutes a number of exclusions, in particular excluding women and individuals of lower social class, as it was not accessible to all. Lower class people did not have the resources and women did not have the same rights, privileges and power as men, in society, to have their equal say. Moreover some of these factors are still relevant, such as the social classes and accessibility to resources. Furthermore, Fraser (1990) mentions the exclusion of subordinate groups, where she states â€Å"subordinate groups sometimes cannot find the right voice or words to express their thoughts, and when they do, they discover they are not heard [and] are silenced, encouraged to keep their wants inchoate, and heard to say ‘yes’ when what they have said is ‘no. ’†(1990, p. 64). It is evident, that this access, whether it is technological, power or status related, to contributing to the public sphere still does not equate to equality. Rather, the factors that need to be considered are not access alone, but also what kind of ‘voice’ the speaker possesses in society. All of which are dependent on a number of factors, such as the speaker’s status in society, gender, age, class, education, culture and country. Moreover, public spheres are relevant in today’s new social media’s like Twitter, Facebook and various blogs. They create an arena in which social sites, like these, generate meanings which are then distributed and discussed amongst a large audience, consequently becoming a public sphere and letting interaction occur with all its participants. This emergence of social media has called for a new public sphere to be formed. Meikle (2008) discusses how media is an integral aspect of the public sphere and that in present society, it is inescapable. Media plays an obligatory part; today’s â€Å"newspapers and magazines, [internet,] radio and television are the media of the public sphere†(Habermas in Meikle, 2008, p. 128). However, for Habermas this role that media plays is an issue, stating that the world shaped by the mass media is only a public sphere on the exterior; only in ‘appearance’ and nothing else. Though the public sphere cannot be regarded as equal, Meikle does suggest that it can be look at in a positive sense; regarding it as a useful standard against which we can measure how the media actually do operate (Meikle, 2008, p. 131). Furthermore, Habermas’ ideal public sphere has often been said that it is being compromised by contemporary tabloid media and culture. It produces a blur between the private and public spheres in regards to celebrity culture and making their private lives a public concern and discussion. As well as regarding media as just pure entertainment, the tabloid media are constructing participants who only consume what they are being fed by the media instead of making their own informed decisions (Meikle 2008). Furthermore, Habermas (in Meikle 2008) believes that our contemporary political mediascapes, which refers to the â€Å"distribution of electronic capabilities to produce and disseminate information [such as] newspapers, magazines and†¦ Television stations†(Apppadurai, 2000, p. 326), are in fact are a long way away from being an ‘ideal public sphere’. He looks at how â€Å"public opinion is no longer produced by the public, instead, public opinion is now something produced for the public†(2008, p. 129) we are being influenced and there is no opportunity to discuss ideas freely, or for there to be complete equality in the contribution to the public sphere because of the different factors that come into play. Similarly, Habermas (in Meikle 2008) uses the term ‘equals’ in regards to participants in the public sphere. Yet, Meikle (2008), in accordance to Fraser’s (1990) view, discusses how the public sphere cannot guarantee each person’s contribution to be of equal amount. This is because of the reasons and factors that exist in society such as; power and status; celebrity power over ordinary individuals, access to resources; developed and developing countries, and gender; the imbalance of power between men and women. Turnbull (2006) looks at the roles of audiences, and why their role is so vital in instances like these. Turnbull discusses the media’s audience and argues how media is looked at as a centrality in our lives and world, some have less or no access and the social and cultural context of the individual is â€Å"embedded in their access to and use of various media technologies††¦ The â€Å"participation [of audiences] in an increasingly mediated public sphere may be largely conditional†(p. 80), as it alters the stance on every participant having an ‘equal’ contribution to the public sphere. Howley (2007) states that people need to promote a more democratic media culture, for a place that individuals can share their mutual interests and concerns, discuss topics. He supports that there is not one sole public sphere because there is not a single medium that is ‘perfect’ (pp. 357-358). Furthermore, Howley (2007) brings forth the idea that the public sphere is the centrality for media institutions but is also significant for media students, providing a theoretical perspective; it helps to emphasize the essential and crucial relationships between democracy and modern communication systems. As the role of a democracy, a citizen who is informed and wishes to engage, needs to be accommodated by the media; providing them resources of news, information and opinion, for that individual to then be able to use this to identify themselves towards this common interest. However, this notion of a democratically public sphere has issues that arise, the main one being the nature and conduct of public discourse in a highly mobile and heterogeneous society. By regarding societies that have things like ethnic, religious and cultural diversity, partisan politics, and economic stratification present, the sole idea of achieving agreement on matters of public policy seem inaccessible and unachievable. Also, another issue is the â€Å"contemporary media systems – characterised by unprecedented consolidation of ownership and control on the one hand, and the fragmentation of mass audiences into even smaller ‘niche markets’ on the other – makes issues of access to and participation in public discourse equally problematic†(pp. 343-344). Thus, this idea of an equal and democratic public sphere is difficult to have and carry out. In conclusion, the ideal public sphere tries to offer a place where people are able to discuss their ideas freely between one another. However, to believe that individuals can discuss in a completely free manner, with no influence and be complete equals, contributing on equal terms, is a far-fetched hope. There can only ever be a place of equality and rationality in an ideal society, as factors of social, linguistic and cultural inequalities, rights and even freedom of speech of an individual, all affect any possibility of equal communication and contribution between people in a public sphere. How to cite Public Sphere, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Olaudah Equiano a Man of Many Customs free essay sample
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Aloud Equation describes the life of a native African who was kidnapped from his homeland in the Oboe Province (which is now the Nigerian town of Sissies) at age eleven and thrown into the horrors of the African slave trade. Unlike most victims of the slave trade, Equation regained his freedom and experienced multiple facets Of life that no one could have expected.Equation became a man of diverse customs and values. However, due to the absence of written records it is often a matter of debate as to what his true origin really was. Throughout his autobiography, Aloud Equation defined himself as a native African. He used vivid illustrations of his homeland and experiences on the Middle Passage, and was even willing to defend the publics view of him as a man of Africa. I personally define Equation as a European citizen according to his customs, personal desires, and behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Olaudah Equiano: a Man of Many Customs or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Quinoas narrative played a key role in a variety of cultural, historical, and literary issues, therefore, the identification ND ultimately the validity of its author take on special importance. While reading The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Aloud Equation found it very apparent that Equation viewed himself as an African born individual. He illustrated his culture and customs as an Gobo African in vivid details of culture, religion, law, and agriculture. (43-56) He also described the atrocities of the Atlantic slave trade as if he had recently experienced them: stating the smell, appearance, and reaction of his fellow slaves. 64-68) Although culturally Equation became almost and Englishman, embracing Christianity ND British customs, the experiences Equation shared with slaves and free people of color, and living in a world that did not differentiate between members of separate African communities, led him to consider himself also a son of Africa. (21 ) Equation embraced his A frican heritage throughout his life and even fought to uphold his reputation as such. There was an instance where two anonymous notes appeared in London papers charging that he was not from Africa at all, but was actually born on the Danish island of SST.Choir in the Caribbean. Equation realized that this claim falsified the validity of his Narrative and immediately confronted and threatened those responsible for the papers with legal action, providing actual witnesses of the fact that upon his arrival in England he was only able to speak an African language (24-25). This reaction shows that Equation held much pride in his African identity and was willing defend it against those who claimed otherwise. However, there is evidence of significant authority that claims Equation may have fabricated the origins of his identity.There are two certain documents, covered by literary historian Vincent Garrett, that pinpoint the birthplace of Equation in South Carolina that keep modern day scholars and historians from absolute certainty of his actual birthplace. One of these docu ments was written on February 9, 1759 in the baptismal registry of SST. Margaritas Church in Westminster, England. It read, Gustavo Vass (Aloud Equation) a Black born in Carolina 12 years old. (26) The second document was from Quinoas Arctic expedition in 1773. It claims that he was currently 28 years old and born in South Carolina.Neither of these findings is conclusive as to whether Equation was African or American-born, but they certainly leave plenty of room for uncertainty. (26-27) I personally define Equation as European, particularly an Englishman. Notions of English nationality are found in great abundance throughout the text. Quinoas narrative repeatedly expresses his desire for a male English identity. He doesnt view Englishmen as a racially exclusive nationality, but one that evokes an ethnic identity that Equation defines through Christianity, and citizenship.Two to three years after arriving n England Equation claimed l no longer looked at them as spirits, but as men superior to us; and therefore had a stronger desire to resemble them; to imbibe their spirit, and imitate their manners therefore embraced every occasion of improvement; and every new thing that I observed I treasured up in my memory. (83) Here we see Quinoas envy for his new superiors and his wish to possess their culture and belongings. This desire strongly encouraged my opinion of Quinoas identity as European.My opinion was also influenced by Quinoas acculturation into English society and customs during his early teen years. l could now speak English tolerably well, and I perfectly understood everything that was said. I now not only felt myself quite easy with these new countrymen, but relished their society and manners. (83) It is clear that Equation identified his shipmates as his countrymen and personally enjoyed the interactions he had with each one of them. It was now between three and four years since I first came to England, a great part of which I had spent at sea; so that became inured to that service, ND began to consider myself as happily situated; for my master treated me always extremely well; and my attachment and gratitude to him were very great. From the various scenes I had beheld on ship-board, I soon grew a stranger to terror of every kind, and was, in that respect at least, almost an Englishman. (83) This passage shows that Equation developed an affectionate relationship with his master and also that their bond strengthened Quinoas identity as an adult man.Even more important, the identity Equation is trying to proclaim for myself as an adult man, a stranger to terror of eve ry kind, is as a European. There are also certain actions and beliefs that Equation maintained that provoked the establishment of his European desires. For instance, he believed the only manner towards proper adulthood is as an Englishman. Equation doesnt come right out and say this but there is a point in the text where he noted that he considers himself very fortunate that he didnt receive his family members tribal marking on his face, as is would have represented his entrance into mature Bib manhood. As was now amongst a people who ad not their faces scarred, like some of the African nations where had been, I was very glad that I did not let them ornament me in that manner (69). Also, during Quinoas voyage to Jamaica and the Mosquito Shore he went to see a Guineas doctor to purchase slaves to cultivate a plantation. He even chose them according to their native land in hopes that it is near his own. (189) The identification of Aloud Equation is of the utmost importance because of the critical role he played in the antislavery movement.Even the timing of a personable voice speaking out against slavery Was important cause it was a time when opposition to slavery was scattered throughout Britain and America and Quinoas narrative, along with other factors, helped assemble the movement into one of the greatest in British history. It was Quinoas personal accounts and experiences that validated his narrative. He possessed the intelligence and capability to spread his ideas to men and women on all levels of British society. He also had the members of significant political authority to support his narrative to yet further its validity.Unfortunately, Equation never had the opportunity to bare witness to what he irked so hardly toward because the slave trade ended in both England and the United State ten years after his death (1807). Conclusively, it is very apparent that Aloud Equation distinguished himself as an African-born man, even though personally identify him as a man of European customs based on his desires, influences, and his acculturation into European society. Most importantly, Quinoas narrative played a key role as an abolitionist tool in the fight against slavery and the identity of its author deems it valid as a historical document.
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